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    ♥♥ My words makes sense all the times, at least that's how I feel. I take pleasure in holding the camera, owning the things I love & good food. I love cats, that's for sure. And I believe in deciding my own fate.

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    Wednesday, October 01, 2003 8:36 PM

    -Rocking on to : Where is the love?-

    .. was late for sch dis m0rning.. g0t up at 7.30am.. l0lz~ too tired tt i went back to slp after pressing the alarm.. Mum oso g0t up late.. It was her who dash into ma room and wake me up.. l0lz~ Got up.. Took own sweet time.. Then mum give me $ take cab..... But in the end i decided to walk.. c0z like no cab in sight =\ so slowly walk l0hz.. Save the money yea? l0lz~ Went to sch.. fill up late coming slip.. Bla bla.. went up to class...Drey nv come today.. They having eng test.. din n0e today g0t eng test. l0lz~ Then very hard + i very siaNz.. Anyhow rush thru then hand up le.. Then pe.. Teo still n0t here... Relieve teacher came.. Bla bla.. slept thru again.. l0lz.. Between vanei and nelson.. And they were like there fighting over their bags? Nelson owe her money dun pay or smth.. then vanei snatch his things.. wahz.. Almost half awake.. Then physics... Kok boon sore eyes then go h0me.. But dunno is real an0t.. l0lz~ Looks fake to me.. Then move to his place.. Want the fan.. s0 hot sia my place..Tok to Mr lee abt this year`s prom "day".. Shikin say n the sch wearing sch uniform and sit in hall watch concert? So fun sia! Shd be called graduation ceremony.. Mr ong`s such a blockhead. -.-z~ Cme again n0 teacher.. Maha came in sit there.. Then at there chat with tt han loon and jabril beside me.. Then did math hmwk.. revise.. bla bla.. Then someone called my hp.. idiot one sia.. N0e having class stiu call.. whu else but audrey. l0lz~ Then recess see hp.. ask us to pei her see d0c after sch.. -.-z She forget g0t oral t0day.. and i g0t remedial.. Duhx.. Replied her.. Then g0 recess.. eat damn fast.. almost choke.. Had to go up by the first bell of recess end... By the time me and vanei sat down.. The guys already finish le.. fast sia.. Can`t blame pple like Kah leong. l0lz~ Went back on time.. Maths test.. Quite ez.. at least dun needa slpthru and i used more than 1 paper this time. *yea*.. l0lz.. h0pe can pass bahz.. =\ Then mother tongue.. Got back test.. Managed to pass.. but still quite l0w.. Then pccg.. Mdm lee came..drey oso came at this time.. Coz dun wanna miss her oral..l0lz.. then we at there luff at her.. bla bla.. Then lee ask us do smth for children`s day.. Do anything on a piece of paper.. Lazy to move, so i with han loon jabril jia yong and kah leong one grp.. Wah .. Kah leong creative.. Draw those cartoon babies.. So cute sia.. Head big... mouth big (like him) and body small.. Look like a cartoon.. Forget wad name le.. Then i help to draw a few.. Changed the clothes and expressi0ns.. l0lz~ cutee sia.. Then the whole class like ours most nice? Hahaz.. then i compliment kah leong.. Say if he nx time nv study.. can go be artist. l0lz~~ First time he so creative.. Then soon assembly.. ALmost last class but n0t.. Went down.. Hear mr go speech.. Dunno wad sia.. Waste of time.. And watch a can`t-see video clip.. Then me and drey at there tok.. Then yappy at there interrupt c0z their class bside us.. And gay kept giving me disgusted look.. l0lz~ Then bth.. throw tissue at Yappy.. he stuff into gay shirt.. Damn funny.. It was damn h0t in the hall.. damn the sch...~ Then justin went up to take dunno wad prize.. Then alot of pple jeered.. l0lz~ Pathetic.. If i were him.. wud dig a hole in the spot and jump in =] Then finally over.. Went to canteen see drey eat..Then went up.. Mia0 go have her chi oral.. Drey and vanei at the hall there pei her..c0z later they g0t eng oral together.. I went up class take bag.. wait for shikin.. Then go library for remedial for those n0t taking oral today..Went in.. Mdm lee at there teaching ben maths? Ya.. then she handed us past year`s paper to do.. So many questions.. see le sian half.. + 2 hrs some more and can`t us calculat0r.. Do do do.. Then raffi came to sit beside me. Keep irritating me.. can`t stand it.. but he g0t teach me maths abit.. Juz abit lar.. l0lz~ Then mdm lee went ard.. Help us also.. Then later she left the library.. dunno g0 where.. Then drey came awhile and went out.. Library so cold.. *brrr* then became very noisy.. Jia yong they all kept asking raffi to go take the answers behind e library.. But is bluff him de.. c0z no answers..He walk there then they will say mdm lee.. frighten him.. l0lz~ Then commoti0n.. Mother and gang came in.. then noisy.. Tt looked like mdm lee de librarian come walk round tell us keep quiet.. But no use.. Then Mrs toh come scold pple le.. Then pple diam.. But after awhile noisy again.. l0lz~ then mdm lee came back.. all act guai..But librarian complained.. Then lee kb the guys.. Alreadi no mo0d do maths le l0hz.. At first still can.. budden sian le.. then ask lee can bring home an0t.. She say cannot.. at last oso can. l0lz~ Then drey and vanei came .. Waited for mia0 in the library.. She second last to take her oral.. Then at there read.. and fite for sofa.. l0lz~ Then library wanna close le.. We went out.. wait for miao at the far end of the block.. near the bball court de.. Then finally she over le.. Went to kfc.. Saw andy kenneth etc.. Say bye.. all da0 de =\ ~ Then went home and took a nap.. sh0 tired.. well basically.. i`m tired everyday.. Wah lauz.. The tan i g0t at the sec 3 camp h0r.. like g0ne? Beginning to fade? l0lz~


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